Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative

A forum that brings diverse interests together for dialogue and action in support of healthy and productive ecosystems, farming and poultry.

Mountaire Farms in Queen Anne’s County, MD photo courtesy of Edwin Remsberg

About Us

DLLC brings together representatives from chicken companies, farming, regulatory agencies, academia, and environmental groups in a collaborative and mission-driven manner.

The complex challenges facing the integration of food production, environmental protection, rural economies and communities cannot be solved by single-faceted approaches. The challenges cross boundaries, and the solutions need to as well.

DLLC is built on trusted relationships established across these boundaries within our membership. We come together to learn from others within the group and integrate new knowledge from outside expertise to define issues of concern, facilitate solutions, and enhance public awareness as a common cause leading to a more resilient and sustainable Delmarva.

Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative seeks solutions for healthy ecosystems, farming, and chicken production.

How You Can Get Involved

Managers and Elected Officials

Our forum is a resource for you because our members learn, identify needs, design solutions, and promote support for solutions for a more resilient and sustainable Delmarva. As decision-makers, you can be sure that the information you receive from DLLC has been thoroughly vetted by diverse constituents. 

Environmental Interests

DLLC works on complex problems that are difficult to solve without diverse stakeholders and knowledge at the table. We are the only forum of its kind that includes the farming community, critical to finding common ground.  DLLC can help your organization identify innovative solutions, project partners, and balanced input from a broad coalition of stakeholders, all of whom are committed to environmental quality.

Delmarva Communities

Delmarva residents want low carbon protein as well as clean water. This is why diverse partners work together through DLLC to find the facts and the solutions that support viable agriculture and healthy ecosystems on Delmarva. Explore our site, follow our Facebook page, subscribe to our newsletter, and drop us a note to stay up to date about our work. 


At DLLC, poultry and crop farmers collaborate with environmental interests to create a healthy and vibrant community.  DLLC seeks farmer input to viable solutions and works with funders, researchers, NGOs and government agencies to implement workable solutions.

Stay updated on the latest from Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative

2023 Year in Review

DLLC Newsletters

Upcoming Events

DLLC quarterly meeting will be held at MDA on October 24.

ESLC enjoys partnering with the MD DNR on a variety of Eastern Shore conservation programs. One of these programs is the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Permanent Easement opportunity. Under this program, landowners who have existing 10-15 year Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) or CREP contracts with the Farm Service Agency, may elect to enroll those contract acres, along with additional habitat on the property, into a permanent conservation easement. The easement requires the CRP/CREP contract area be maintained as CRP/CREP in perpetuity, otherwise the landowner must allow the CRP/CREP area to succeed into forest. As a legal requirement, the contract acres will become ineligible to re-enroll in the CRP/CREP contract program once they are part of a CREP permanent easement. In exchange, the landowners are eligible for a large, upfront payment for the purchase of the conservation easement over these lands.As of this year, DNR has made the CREP Permanent Easement program available statewide. Earlier this summer, DNR sent out general outreach letters to all landowners in previously unserved counties who have active CRP/CREP contracts on their properties to inform them of the availability of this program. (As an important note, ESLC has become aware that existing easement landowners enrolled in CRP/CREP may have also received a DNR letter, but these properties are not eligible for this particular funding as they are already protected by a perpetual, permanent conservation easement.)Wonderfully, ESLC has seen a drastic influx in interest from the community since these letters went out and we are excited to work with as many landowners as possible to determine if the CREP Permanent Easement program is right for their properties. Due to higher-than-normal demand, ESLC requests that any interested landowners please send the following information to David Satterfield at NumberEmail AddressProperty Identifier (Address, Tax Map and Parcel, and/or Tax ID)Name of Ownership of the Property (if different than your own)Any CRP/CREP Documentation available (maps would be perfect)Once received, ESLC staff will process these requests and will respond with additional details. We appreciate your patience and understanding, as response times may be longer-than-normal due to current ESLC project workloads. If you have questions regarding this program in the meantime, we recommend you review the FAQ for the CREP Permanent Easement program from DNR, which can be accessed here: Department of Natural Resources ... See MoreSee Less
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