About the DLLC

One Of A Kind
DLLC brings together representatives from chicken companies, farmers, regulatory agencies, academia, and environmental groups in a collaborative and mission-driven manner.
Our mission is to build cross-sector relationships to identify science-based solutions and guide their effective implementation to achieve profitable chicken and grain farming, clean water, and thriving ecosystems on the Delmarva Peninsula.
Our vision is that farming and poultry production on Delmarva are economically viable, environmentally sound and can serve as a national model.
See our 2023-2025 Strategic Roadmap for more information.
Diverse Partners
The DLLC Steering Committee consists of 30 members who are leaders in their field and represent farmers, environmental groups, poultry companies, agricultural business and trade groups, academics and government agencies. All stakeholders who embrace the DLLC mission are invited to join in this grand collaboration.

Our Process
DLLC is a voluntary, self-directed collaborative of individuals and organizations directed and controlled by its Steering Committee. Solutions from the Land (SfL), a 501 (c) (3) organization focused on land-based solutions for global challenges, functions as the fiduciary agent and legal host of the DLLC. Staffing is provided by Green Fin Studio, an external, neutral group funded by The Campbell Foundation to provide backbone support for DLLC. Additional funding to support specific products and Steering Committee meetings comes from the DLLC members and stakeholders who support the mission.
DLLC has a 30-member Steering Committee that meets quarterly. Seven of those members volunteer to serve on our Executive Committee, which meets monthly and oversees the operations of DLLC. The Chair of our Steering Committee rotates each year between a member of the agricultural community and a member of the environmental community. The Steering Committee members participate in workgroups and committees and meet often to ensure that their annual work plans are implemented. In between these meetings, staff and members maintain communication through email and shared documents.
To provide structure and consistency for the organization, the Executive Committee relies on the Governance and Operating Procedure and Principles document. If a circumstance arises that is not covered in the document, the Executive Committee will make a recommendation to the Steering Committee, who votes by consensus. The value of this structure is that any product or statement that comes from DLLC has gone through a rigorous collaborative process that ensures that our diverse membership has provided input and approval.

Chair, Alan Girard, is the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Advocacy Director. Since 2001, he has overseen environmental protection and restoration programs on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and leads CBF’s regional efforts to help communities reduce pollution to the Bay and its local waterways. He supports several other collaborative partnerships, including the Envision the Choptank watershed restoration project and the Million Acre Challenge, which seeks to achieve one million acres in healthy soils practices on Maryland farms by 2030.

Vice Chairs
Vice Chair, Bob Frazee, is one of the founding members of DLLC. He enjoyed a 34-year career with the Farm Credit System, serving his last 16 years as the CEO of MidAtlantic Farm Credit. Bob is now the CEO of J.R. Frazee Strategic Consulting, providing services to businesses and non-profits in business strategy, risk management, talent management, and succession planning.
Past Chair, Holly Porter, is the Executive Director of the Delmarva Chicken Association (DCA). Holly joined DCA in 2017 after working in marketing for MidAtlantic Farm Credit and helping craft policy at the Delaware Department of Agriculture. She became the Executive Director of DCA in 2019. Holly is a graduate of Marymount University in Arlington, Va., with a BA in communications, is an alumni of LEAD Maryland Class VII and sits on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Women in Ag committee and the Rural Maryland Council Board. Holly was raised on a farm in Caroline county, MD and spent many summers baling hay and straw with her family.
Executive Committee
David Baird
District Coordinator, Sussex Conservation District
Nancy Nunn
Assistant Director, Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
Steve Kline
President, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
Alan Girard
Advocacy Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Holly Porter
Executive Director, Delmarva Chicken Association
Bob Frazee
CEO, J.R. Frazee Strategic Consulting
Danielle Bauer Farace
Executive Director, Maryland and Delaware Soy Bean Boards
Steering Committee
David Baird
District Coordinator, Sussex Conservation District
Michelle Koenig
Conservation and Watershed Planning, Delaware Center for Inland Bays
Danielle Bauer Farace
Executive Director, Delaware and Maryland Soybean Boards
Kevin Cline (Non-voting advisory member)
Environmental Specialist, Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality
R.C. Willin
President, Willin Farms
Kristen Hughes Evans
Executive Director, Sustainable Chesapeake
Bob Frazee
CEO, J.R. Frazee Strategic Consulting
Tyler Walston
Maryland Agriculture Projects Coordinator, Alliance for the Chesapeake
Tyler Majchrzak
Government Affairs Manager, Horizon Farm Credit
Matt Heim
Director, Lower Shore Land Trust
Alan Girard
Advocacy Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
John Sandkuhler
Restoration Coordinator, Nanticoke Watershed Alliance
Kristin Fisher
Applied Agricultural Scientist, The Nature Conservancy
Benjamin Hildebrand
Director of Environmental Sustainability, Perdue Farms
Zach Evans
Community Relations Manager, Mountaire Farms
Dave Lovell
Accomack County Poultry Farmer
Jen Nelson
Director, Delaware and Maryland Associations for Conservation Districts
Nancy Nunn
Assistant Director, Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
Holly Porter
Executive Director, Delmarva Chicken Association
Jennifer Rhodes
Senior Agent, University of Maryland Extension
Eric Hughes (non-voting advisory member)
EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Tim Rosen
Director of Agriculture & Restoration, ShoreRivers
Steve Kline
President, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
Lindsay Thompson
Executive Director, Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board