Support Our Work
Your support is vital to enable the Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative to fulfill our mission and goals.
Online donations can be made through our fiscal sponsor, Solutions from the Land. Alternatively, please contact our Advancement Committee Chair, Nancy Nunn to arrange a donation.
Acceptance of a donation by DLLC:
- Will be publicly acknowledged on the DLLC website.
- Implies that the donor agrees with and supports DLLC’s mission, vision and values.
- Does not imply endorsement by DLLC.
- Does not grant donor automatic permission to use the DLLC logo on their website or marketing materials.
DLLC graciously acknowledges our 2023-2024 supporters.
The Campbell Foundation
Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
Delaware Center for the Inland Bays
Sustainable Chesapeake
Nanticoke Watershed Alliance
Delmarva Chicken Association
Horizon Farm Credit
JR Frazee Strategic Consulting
Mountaire Farms
Lower Shore Land Trust
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Maryland Soybean Board
Forever Maryland